Print Labels:
Label Commander upports two types of printing mode: Layout Printing Mode and Label Printer Mode.
Layout Printing Mode is designed for laser and inkjet printers it layouts a number of
labels into a sheet of paper, which means you can use letter size paper or A4 paper for printing, it also supports micro perforated papers.
Micro Perforated Paper:
The micro perforated paper is a sheet of paper that has perforation line of tiny holes punched in the paper, with the micro perforated paper support, the software can automatically layout the artworks based on the specified micro perforated paper setting.
Label Printer Mode is designed for label
printer(roll printer), for better user experience and faster output speed, we recommand
users to use this mode for printing.
After selecting print mode, a print form will
show up. on the top of the print form is the
data selection area for database content, you
may select a record for VDP(variable data
printing). On the center of the window, is
the print-time variable data capture area, which
enables you to input data into variables for VDP
operations. To learn more info about database
fields and print-time variables, please visit
the Print-Time Variables chapter.
Batch Print
This feature is only available for Label Printer
Mode and projects with database linking enabled.
Batch Print feature supports to print out all
database records or only print out specified
records based on conditions defined on this